Drivers, crossover & tubing all goes hand in hand and has been this way ever since the very first pair of IEM was ever invented decades ago. Nonetheless, there have been various attempts at changing the status quo, and Soranik is among the companies that strived for innovations.
Conventionally each driver is glued to a piece of PVC tubing at its own spout. However such method was first used for installing hearing aids, which has many shortcomings if one considers sound quality the top priority. As sound propagates inside the casing before emits through a tiny gap connected to the spout, much resolution and details was lost due to unwanted reflections and sudden changes in impedance.
By opening up the roof of the BA’s casing , the driver now functions just like how a dynamic speaker does, thus retains all of its quality as designed. The potential is maximized and also enhanced thanks to the chamber’s geometry.